Ete Surfboard Menu

  The Chefkook recommends the Menu of the Day: Finest slices of fibreglass coated polyurethane, laminated with polyester resin and added with a fine amount of shapers magic. We serve the Fatum boards with included fins for free. Please note that we have a special offer: The Superbranded The Vapor 6‘4 for just 390€ Surflunch…


Lib Tech x Lost Surfboards Berlin Puddle Jumper Puddle Fish

  As an addition to our finest handcraftmanship Surfboards by Fatum Surfboards, Wavegliders and Neil Purchase which are all made in Europe under the best conditions possible, we decided to add some Hightech Factorymade Boards to our Shop Quiver. We got two Lib Tech x …Lost Surfboards which are made in world’s most environmental factory…


Pre-orders for Chris Christenson Surfboards

  We are taking Pre-orders for Chris Christenson Surfboards. Chris Christenson is a name synonymous with traditionally built surfboards, unbelievable glass jobs and a truly unique style. His close friendship with Skip Frye and Dick Brewer, who shape alongside him, is reflected in his work. His boards are works of art and craftmanship at the…


Nico Wavegliders Surfboards Berlin Fish Singlefin

  They are here: four fine Nico Wavegliders Surfboards. Such a pleasure to feel the craftsmanship, dedication and magic which went into these fine sleds. Swing by the Store to witness by yourself. Blue V8 in 6’5, White Fish Taco in 6’3, Red Quad Cod Fish in 6’4, Green San Diego Fish Taco in 6’5…


Ete Surfshop Berlin Teeshirt

Behind the scenes from our Ete Teeshirt photoshoot. The #berlinsurfshop Tee is made with organic cotton and its fair wear certified. by Katharina Wpunkt   .     .     .   .  


PULK Surf Mag

Cant take my eyes of the new PULK Mag: newest brainchild. ?????  Été Clothing.         .


Johannes Rausch Surfteam ADH

eteclothing crewmember Johannes Rausch enjoying the empty line up during the ADH open in seignosse ?? – – ADH Open @ Seignosse, Aquitaine, France.             .


New Oh Dawn Clothing

Good things come to those who wait. New OH DAWN garments arrived. awesome as always. More: Instore               .


Binsurfen cicle around the Baltic Sea / Die Ostsee Umrundung

  we are very happy that we where able to support the cool binsurfen cats on their latest awesome project: to circle around the baltic sea in two months with a land cruiser and a classic vw t4. if you are familiar with their stylish and profound funny  Headache movie, you know that the result…
