we are very happy that we where able to support the cool binsurfen cats on their latest awesome project: to circle around the baltic sea in two months with a land cruiser and a classic vw t4.
if you are familiar with their stylish and profound funny  Headache movie, you know that the result will be stunning.
they explored different surf scenes, cultures and saw landscapes which left us speechles. but look for yourself. By the end of the year you can expect a binsurfen magazine with more pictures and infos.
all pictures by Felix Gänsicke & Lucas Günther; and the project was also made possible by Heimplanet, Rhythm, Xcell, and HW Shapes


copyright Lucas Guenther-2 copyright Lucas Guenther-05 copyright Lucas Guenther-33 copyright Lucas Guenther-44 copyright Lucas Guenther-63 copyright Lucas Guenther-3333 copyright Lucas Guenther-656538 copyright Lucas Guenther-Binsurfen copyright Felix Gaensicke Binsurfen_23 copyright Felix Gaensicke Binsurfen_456 copyright Felix Gaensicke Binsurfen_765 copyright Felix Gaensicke Binsurfen_6457 copyright Felix Gaensicke Binsurfen-Binsurfen copyright Felix Gaensicke Binsurfen56 copyright Lucas Guenther-Binsurfen33



And here´s the Headache Trailer, in case u missed that gem:











Binsurfen cicle around the Baltic Sea / Die Ostsee Umrundung

Binsurfen cicle around the Baltic Sea / Die Ostsee Umrundung


we are very happy that we where able to support the cool binsurfen cats on their latest awesome project: to circle around the baltic sea in two months with a land cruiser and a classic vw t4.
if you are familiar with their stylish and profound funny  Headache movie, you know that the result will be stunning.
they explored different surf scenes, cultures and saw landscapes which left us speechles. but look for yourself. By the end of the year you can expect a binsurfen magazine with more pictures and infos.
all pictures by Felix Gänsicke & Lucas Günther; and the project was also made possible by Heimplanet, Rhythm, Xcell, and HW Shapes


copyright Lucas Guenther-2 copyright Lucas Guenther-05 copyright Lucas Guenther-33 copyright Lucas Guenther-44 copyright Lucas Guenther-63 copyright Lucas Guenther-3333 copyright Lucas Guenther-656538 copyright Lucas Guenther-Binsurfen copyright Felix Gaensicke Binsurfen_23 copyright Felix Gaensicke Binsurfen_456 copyright Felix Gaensicke Binsurfen_765 copyright Felix Gaensicke Binsurfen_6457 copyright Felix Gaensicke Binsurfen-Binsurfen copyright Felix Gaensicke Binsurfen56 copyright Lucas Guenther-Binsurfen33



And here´s the Headache Trailer, in case u missed that gem:











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