Ete Surfboard Menu

The Catch of the Day. We do have over 20 Board to choose from, Fatum, Lost, Wavegliders, Thomas Bexon Longboard, Neal Purchase and Catch Surf. Of course we can help you to get a Board handshaped just for your needs. Everything is possible. . . . . . .


Homegrown Surf Film Festival Berlin Ete Clothing

  Thank you all who made our little Homegrown Surffilm Fest to such a beautiful night. Great vibe. The diversity and the quality level of the contributed films was awesome, thank you Kolja Frase, Johannes Rausch, Thierry Fi, Daniel Fxs, Kiri Deluxe and Eléna En. Cool to see that level creativity and what the landlocked…


Boerf or Die // Ete Surf Surf Short Movie

  Fantastic: Our Shortmovie Boerf or Die, made by Kiri Deluxe, did not only win the Nord Nordost Surf Film Festival Berlin Shortmovie Award; this litle nugget will also be screened on all 17 stops of the Surf Film Nacht Tour, from Geneva over Kopenhagen and Hamburg to Berlin: Surf Film Nacht Berlin: The…


Nord Nord Ost Surffilm Festival Award Night 2017 Berlin

That was a evening for the books: over 150 people almost shut do the bergmannstrasse traffic, so much good movies, a fantastic Big Stuff Smoked BBQ, the winners of the photo contest and such a good vibe. We raised 555€ for the 7Hills Skatepark in Amman/ Jordan! Last but not least did our movie made…


Pulk Surfmagazine Berlin Release Happening Binsurfen

  So much good vibes and what a great Mag. Thanks, Hase, all the Musicians and Meckatzer for this fantastic night during the PULK Release Party Berlin More Pictures:           .


Late But Short RADIO Skate Video   late but short the new full length video by radioskateboards starring: Justin Sommer Bastien Marlin Valeri Rosomako Lennie Burmeister Juro Lehmann Malte Spitz Collin McLean Conrad Bauer Sami Harithi Phillipp Oehmige Octavio Trindade and the rest of the radio family! ENJOY!!!         .    


Munich River Surfen

        Tres tablas de surf. Un Opel Corsa del 97. Mucho flow y poco cash. Así es el viaje del ciruelo por Europa. #elcirueloporeuropa          


Binsurfen cicle around the Baltic Sea / Die Ostsee Umrundung

  we are very happy that we where able to support the cool binsurfen cats on their latest awesome project: to circle around the baltic sea in two months with a land cruiser and a classic vw t4. if you are familiar with their stylish and profound funny  Headache movie, you know that the result…
