Ete Skateteam Crew new member

  We´re happy that our small skate crew just got a little bigger: we welcome Martin aka Topheads Monkey! He is also organising the awesome Tree Of Live Skatecamps in summer, check the video here:       . . .   . .   .


Boerf or Die // Ete Surf Surf Short Movie

  Fantastic: Our Shortmovie Boerf or Die, made by Kiri Deluxe, did not only win the Nord Nordost Surf Film Festival Berlin Shortmovie Award; this litle nugget will also be screened on all 17 stops of the Surf Film Nacht Tour, from Geneva over Kopenhagen and Hamburg to Berlin: Surf Film Nacht Berlin: The…


Ete Clothing Skateboards

  finally ete crewmember Nico Tejedor is happy again. 25 new ete decks arrived: Made in Canada ?? 7 Ply Canadian Maple in 3 Concaves from 7’5 to 8’5 And Kids Boards in 7’0 . . . . . . .


Wasted Talend Surf Mag

  112 pages of a lot of blood, sweat and tears. Encapsulated on 115gsm coated matt paper. It’s been a hell of a ride getting this into your hands. There have been ups and downs. Crazy highs and manic lows. From the damp fields of Ireland, to the dusty trails of Morocco. Red wine in…


Vissla Pedros Bay Surf Movie Berlin Premiere

  What is the legend of the enchanted Pedro’s Bay? A secret whispered from one to the next. Somewhere on an island far, far away is a parallel life on a forgotten beach—with emerald waves and mushroom forests. Where toucans talk and trees grow full of fruit. Where wine trickles off rocks and mermaid lagoons…


Ete Clothing Berlin Surf Shop Teamfahrer Johannes Rausch

    Unser kleines Surfteam hat zuwachs bekommen, das Multitalent Johannes Rausch ist seit neuesten an Board und vervollständigt die Crew. Johannes surft nicht nur sehr gut in grossen und kleinen Wellen; sondern hat auch ein gutes Auge und macht schöne Filme, hier eine kleine Best of Auswahl:   Oder der tolle Marocco Clip:  …


5 new Fatum Surfboards: The Duke II Moby II Supersix

5 new fantastic plastic machines from Fatumsurfboards arrived. Different nose, different ride, all fun. First time in our store: The Duke. Short Wide Fun:   Gero, the Shaper and Fatum Mastermind says: “ The Duke is one of those boards that’s been around for a long time. Shaped for surfers who wanted a more…


Binsurfen cicle around the Baltic Sea / Die Ostsee Umrundung

  we are very happy that we where able to support the cool binsurfen cats on their latest awesome project: to circle around the baltic sea in two months with a land cruiser and a classic vw t4. if you are familiar with their stylish and profound funny  Headache movie, you know that the result…


Ete Clothing Music For Shoplifters Mix Series / Mr Laboso Mix

  Music For Shoplifters Mix Series. We are very happy that we got such a massive mix as the second contribution for our music for shoplifters mix series. Mr Laboso (The Playfools)is playing a timeless mix from slow house to balearic and yacht tunes. incredible deep. perfect. Make sure to follow him at: @exitghostberlin…


Ete Clothing Surf Shop Berlin Teamfahrer Jonny Schulz

      Unser Teamfahrer Jonny hat uns ein paar schöne Bilder zukommen lassen, die uns uns daran erinnern, das wir endlich wieder zusammen Surfen gehen müssen. Jonny surft nicht nur ganz ok, sondern ist auch der Mann mit dem wir zusammen die meisten Grafiken und Webseiten machen, sein Instagram Account ist eine Reise wert:…
