Two Thirds: Visu/ Le Capitaine/ Vega/ Bisca

Wir haben neuen Stuff von einem unserer absoluten Lieblingslabel bekommen, Two Thirds. Ökologisches nachhaltiges Label ohne Öko auszusehen. Top. PHILOSOPHY Two-thirds of our planet is covered by ocean. It is what makes us who we are and what gives us so much joy. We aim to address like-minded people, who are awake and aware of…


2Thirds/ Twothirds

  Eines der feinsten Labels zur Zeit, 2 Thirds.  Checkt:   HISTORY TWOTHIRDS was established in San Sebastian, heart of the Basque Country, in the year 2010. Its founders started a surf-inspired street label to be set apart from others. A brand that stands for pure design, high quality sustainable fabrics and a deep…
