Fatum Dolphin in 7´4.

Das perfekte Anfängerboard von Fatum. Oder ein klein-Wellenbrett für den Advanced Surfer. All Skills Funboard quasi.

The Dolphin is pretty much our classic Minimalibu.

So, if you just started surfing and want to own a board that will not bore you after the first season, this one’s right for you. With its relaxed bottomcurve and even volume distribution the Dolphin is designed to get you into the wave without too much effort. It is userfriendly and stable: it comes with a gimmick-free vee bottom allowing you to turn the board easily. It’ll be a fun thing to ride even if you’re about to enter the intermediate level.

Tri-fin only.


21 1/4 X14 1/8 X 2 3/4

Volumen: 45.35 L

Inclusive Finnen.



Fatum Moby 6´8

Die perfekte Allround Maschine aus dem Fatum Stall. Mit wunderschönen Design. Die verschiedenfarbigen Blautöne an dem Rail sind auf der Brettunterseite durchgezogen so das das Brett ein cooler Eyecatcher ist.

Brett für Leute die vom Minimalibu umsteigen wollen oder ein perfektes Nord/ Ostsee Brett bei Mushy Wellen. Oder Sommer in Frankreich. Immer dann wenn die Wellen eigentlich nicht mehr genug Power haben, greift das Moby zu und lässt den Glide frei.

This wavecatcher’s very wide roundtail and the  gigantic outline from tail to nose will support your surfing with maximum speed and maneuverability.

Even though it was originally designed for intermediate surfers that were looking for a shorter board for easier handling inside and outside the water, it quickly became a favorite for a large variety of different surfers and styles.

Based on the same concept, this board changes its character a lot depending on its size. Get it in the 6 foot range and you have a highly maneuverable  board, which with its subtle concave bottom-shape, forward fin placement , full rails and flatter rocker profile,  helps you draw clean lines in small mushy surf. This board is a blast on those “not really worthy of my shortboard” days.

Get it as a 7 footer and you have a beautiful effortless wavecatching  funboard, which gets you the most from a relaxed summer session. It’s smooth and responsive, with your next hangfive only one step away.

We have been refining the design for years. It has it’s roots in the 60/70’s double-ender and goes perfectly with either a single- or two plus one fin setup. A tribute to the past, giving the shape a more classic and fluent style.








Fatum Surfboards Moby 6 8 / Fatum Dolphin 7 4 Surfshop Berlin

Fatum Surfboards Moby 6 8 / Fatum Dolphin 7 4 Surfshop Berlin

Fatum Dolphin in 7´4.

Das perfekte Anfängerboard von Fatum. Oder ein klein-Wellenbrett für den Advanced Surfer. All Skills Funboard quasi.

The Dolphin is pretty much our classic Minimalibu.

So, if you just started surfing and want to own a board that will not bore you after the first season, this one’s right for you. With its relaxed bottomcurve and even volume distribution the Dolphin is designed to get you into the wave without too much effort. It is userfriendly and stable: it comes with a gimmick-free vee bottom allowing you to turn the board easily. It’ll be a fun thing to ride even if you’re about to enter the intermediate level.

Tri-fin only.


21 1/4 X14 1/8 X 2 3/4

Volumen: 45.35 L

Inclusive Finnen.



Fatum Moby 6´8

Die perfekte Allround Maschine aus dem Fatum Stall. Mit wunderschönen Design. Die verschiedenfarbigen Blautöne an dem Rail sind auf der Brettunterseite durchgezogen so das das Brett ein cooler Eyecatcher ist.

Brett für Leute die vom Minimalibu umsteigen wollen oder ein perfektes Nord/ Ostsee Brett bei Mushy Wellen. Oder Sommer in Frankreich. Immer dann wenn die Wellen eigentlich nicht mehr genug Power haben, greift das Moby zu und lässt den Glide frei.

This wavecatcher’s very wide roundtail and the  gigantic outline from tail to nose will support your surfing with maximum speed and maneuverability.

Even though it was originally designed for intermediate surfers that were looking for a shorter board for easier handling inside and outside the water, it quickly became a favorite for a large variety of different surfers and styles.

Based on the same concept, this board changes its character a lot depending on its size. Get it in the 6 foot range and you have a highly maneuverable  board, which with its subtle concave bottom-shape, forward fin placement , full rails and flatter rocker profile,  helps you draw clean lines in small mushy surf. This board is a blast on those “not really worthy of my shortboard” days.

Get it as a 7 footer and you have a beautiful effortless wavecatching  funboard, which gets you the most from a relaxed summer session. It’s smooth and responsive, with your next hangfive only one step away.

We have been refining the design for years. It has it’s roots in the 60/70’s double-ender and goes perfectly with either a single- or two plus one fin setup. A tribute to the past, giving the shape a more classic and fluent style.








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