Globe Austyn Gillete Skate Sneaker Shop

Summer Silhouettes. Der schöne halbhohe Dover London Slipper von Austyn Gillete ist aus nachhaltigerem Wolverine Leathers® + vulkanisiertem Bloom™ Gummi aus Algen. Dank Super-V-Außensohle und Shockbed™-Einlegesohle hat er eine formidable Dämpfung beim Skaten und auch . ? .


Db Bag dbjourney Rucksack

dbjourney Backpack

Db Backpack Family. Durchdachte Travel und City Begleiter, smarte aufteilungen, Hightech Materialen die langlebigste Bags garantieren. Wir haben neben den Surfboardbags im Moment 4 Rucksäcke am Start:The Hugger 30L und The Backpack Pro, beides größere Rucksäcke der durch die ABS Seitewände alles perfekt Polstern, vom dein Photoequipment bis zum das Weekendtrip Stuff. Natürlich Cabin Carry…


Foam Symmetry and Surfers Journal Magazines Print

If you need food for thoughts and mind surfing, we might have something for you: the new Surfers Journal and for the first time in our store: Foam Symmetry. Made with love for details, in depth storys, high quality journalism and of course photographs that make you wanna surf. #printmatters #printisnotdead . . . .


TCCS Wintercollection The Critical Slide society

Each season we’re making steps towards a more sustainable brand selection and we are happy that most of our brands are also evolving. Like TCSS/ The Critical Slide Society: they have moved all cotton jersey to recycled cotton where possible. Recycled cotton jersey is the most sustainable fabrication, reducing landfill and reducing production resources. ?…


Fatum Surfboards The Duke Super Seven and Moby

Handshaped in Portugal and send over to Berlin are these fine sleds: Fatum Surfboards The Duke Super Seven and Moby. Custom Orders Possible. The Duke is one of those boards that’s been around for a long time. Shaped for surfers who wanted a more relaxed Moby. Almost by accident Gero took one of those modified…


Thomas Bexon/ Thomassurfboard Longboard

This beauty arrived in Berlin, shaped by the Australian Shaping Legend Thomas Bexon/ Thomassurfboards After some costumers recommend this board so dedicated, we ordered The Keeper in 9´4; but lets listen what Thomas says about the Board: „ The newest edition to our longboard line up, I cant put into words how well this board…


Ete Snowboard Trip

Snow is only frozen milk and life is better in boardshorts. What who can resist when powder is calling? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
