Bali. Rain Season kickof Video

  Bali during the Rain Season: nice!   “ Here’s a video I put together with the boys to welcome the rainy season. Most of it was shot in Bali this time around due to lack of a travel budget, excluding a sneaky afternoon session at Yoyo’s thanks to a little trip Mumsy paid for.…


Baker full Skatevideo

Gnarly. Full Baker Skatevideo. . Baker 3 was the biggest video to drop in 2005. If you haven’t seen it 100x, watch it again. Intro 0:00 Erik Ellington 2:45 Jeff Lenoce 6:38 Braydon Szafranski 8:45 Antwuan Dixon 11:02 Friends 12:50 Dustin Dollin 16:00 Theotis Beasley 20:08 Rammy Issa 20:42 Andrew Reynolds 21:08 Terry Kennedy 27:10…


Highline South Africa Surf Video

  Highline is a short movie filmed and edited by Ryan Perry and produced by youngwisetails ( It is based on our trip to South Africa with Tanner Gudauskas, Taylor Knox, and Parker and Conner Coffin. It was a bit of a search for waves to bring back the stoke in power surfing. It was…


Volcom Every Day Parka// True to This Volcom

  Volcom Womens Every Day Parka. 3000er Wassersäule Atmungsaktiv Teddy Fell Fütterung für einen warmen Winter. 169.90 €   /Volcom This Movie will be sick. The full Volcom Snow// Skate// Surf Team in one boardriding madness Adventure. Watch the Trailer: and See Pictures here: Volcom Stone presents True To This | Official Trailer…


Video Recap: Ete+ Mother Party an Chalet Berlin

  9 Years Ete Clothing deserved a Party. So we teamed up with our friends from Mother Recordings to hit the nice Chalet Nightclub. All the Ete Chefs did DJ that night with a lot Artists from the Mother Rooster. Hell-O-Fun. Thank you all for taking part at Smash Fest! Thanks Christoph Leib for the…


Waves// SurfClip

  Kinda Arty Video. But very intersting to watch.   “ Recommended viewing: HD, full screen, volume on 11. Original footage recorded by Dave Otto. Decided to put my own mix on his fantastic video, „The Originals“. You can see it here: Music: The Poison Tree (David Lynch Remix) “       .


Excuse the Roach ‚2‘

  Deus Ex Machina Style Video. Excuse the Roach is a series of short clips featuring surfer Harrison Roach. The clips are accompanied by the sounds of electro-disco-rock band LCD Soundsystem. Film and Edit – Andrew Gough Surfer – Harrison Roach         .  


single fin fun bali rythm

  Pure retro Fun. Rhythm co-founder, world renowned shaper of modern-retro surf vehicles and salty pirate Mr Neal Purchase Jnr has packed up the house and loosened the shackles holding him and the fam down in their home town of Cobaki, on the Gold Coast. The Purchase clan of Neal, Beau and daughters Cedar, Montana…


T.C.S.S// Surf Longboard Classic

  Schöner Edit von Nathan Oldfield. “ Here’s another collaboration brought to you by the salty crew behind The Critical Slide Society. It features team rider and shaping jedi Thomas ‚Doc‘ Bexon’s journey through the Duct Tape in Noosa this year. For more TCSS goodness please visit Producer: Jimmy Slide Mitchell Edit: Nathan Oldfield…


Nicci// German Surf National Team Edit

  Der Deutsche Surfnachwuchs  surft nicht nur sehr gut sondern schneidet auch  feine Videos. Das Deutsche Surf Team war in Nicaragua und Louis Josek hat nebem dem Surfen noch zeit gefunden das Video zu schneiden.       .  


The Originals/ Shipsterns Heavy Footage

Awesome Edit of Shipsterns Tasmania Footage: “ This is an edit from my very first hard drive which contained all the original Shipsterns footage. I thought this drive was long gone and was pretty happy to stumble across it over the weekend. Covered in a thick layer of dust, and lying at the bottom of…
