Superbrand Toy Surfboard

  Superbranded Surfboard Toy in 6´2. Initially created as a small wave groveler, the Toy morphed into a high performance yet user-friendly model. Low rocker and a wider outline make for great paddling power and a subtle single to double concave creates drive through sections. As well, soft, forgiving rails make it a great board…


Superbrand Vapor Surfboard

  SUPERbrand Vapor. Perfekte Allround Waffe von mushy Sommer Surf bis hin zu steilen Indo Wellen. Bei uns in 6´4 am Start, mit 37L Volumen, also genug Volumen für den avarage Surfer um genug Wellen zu bekommen und trotzdem super wendig. 5 Finnen Option „..the Vapors is one of our most versatile boards and…
