OUT OF STEPPE Mongolian Skate Movie

    https://vimeo.com/154840966   Trough Stephen Roe’s lens, a heterogeneous crew addresses the contrast of skateboarding from the infinite steppes to forgotten Mongolian towns, and incidentally discovers an urban blooming scene riding the saddle of a galloping Globalization. Directed, filmed and edited by Stephen Roe Skateboarders: Joseph Biais, Jerome Campbell, Igor Fardin, Yoshihiro “Deshi” Omoto,…


Shorts in Berlin

sommer sommer sommer. lot´s of fresh shorts from: RVLT/Revolution, SUIT – DENMARK, IRIEDAILY, Cleptomanicx, Volcom, Mazine und natürlich: REELLJEANS Shorts:           .


Reell Jeans

Eine der besten Jeans im Program von reell hat ist wieder back Instore: die Razor in Rockblue.
