This is a Rhythm surf documentary brought together by likeminded folk to blend surf, art, music, travel & craftsmanship through various chapters, into one total experience. The film takes you on a journey around the world from Australia’s East Coast to Indonesia, Northern Africa and the famous pointbreaks of central California. Overlay art filters were created in our studio & the original soundtrack was recorded in the Rhythm warehouse by Neal Purchase Jnr & The Brown Byrds plus Alex Wall from the Wax Witches.

Featuring Neal Purchase Jr, Asher Pacey, Ryan Lovelace, Kai Annetts, Jordan Spee and Diogo Appleton.

Edited by Nick Jones.




Sound of Change Experience

Sound of Change Experience



This is a Rhythm surf documentary brought together by likeminded folk to blend surf, art, music, travel & craftsmanship through various chapters, into one total experience. The film takes you on a journey around the world from Australia’s East Coast to Indonesia, Northern Africa and the famous pointbreaks of central California. Overlay art filters were created in our studio & the original soundtrack was recorded in the Rhythm warehouse by Neal Purchase Jnr & The Brown Byrds plus Alex Wall from the Wax Witches.

Featuring Neal Purchase Jr, Asher Pacey, Ryan Lovelace, Kai Annetts, Jordan Spee and Diogo Appleton.

Edited by Nick Jones.




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