The only reason why we go on surftrips, is because that we can test new material for you, our important customers.
For example the Nealpurchasejnr The Duo, here ridden in 6‘6, was fun beyond our first expectations a pure dream rider.
Goes really fast and still turns so smooth, perfect for point/ reef breaks with a little pressure.
Neal Purchase Jnr is coming to Europe this summer, if u need a fine magic sled, let us know.













Neal Purchasejnr The Duo Surfboard Surfshop

Neal Purchasejnr The Duo Surfboard Surfshop

The only reason why we go on surftrips, is because that we can test new material for you, our important customers.
For example the Nealpurchasejnr The Duo, here ridden in 6‘6, was fun beyond our first expectations a pure dream rider.
Goes really fast and still turns so smooth, perfect for point/ reef breaks with a little pressure.
Neal Purchase Jnr is coming to Europe this summer, if u need a fine magic sled, let us know.













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