Der heisseste Streifen im Moment. Dane Reynolds Loaded.

Loaded started shortly after I finished Slow Dance,” he says of his newest cut. “I wanted to do a video documenting the premiere tour, but I was also doing a little video piece with Taylor Knox, and I had the idea of cramming it all together without context and calling it Loaded. Then it gathered steam and I wanted to keep filming for it and here we are and it’s all come together and neither of those things are even barely showcased but it has turned into something bigger…”






Loaded : Dane Reynolds Surf Movie// Marine Layer Productions

Loaded : Dane Reynolds Surf Movie// Marine Layer Productions


Der heisseste Streifen im Moment. Dane Reynolds Loaded.

Loaded started shortly after I finished Slow Dance,” he says of his newest cut. “I wanted to do a video documenting the premiere tour, but I was also doing a little video piece with Taylor Knox, and I had the idea of cramming it all together without context and calling it Loaded. Then it gathered steam and I wanted to keep filming for it and here we are and it’s all come together and neither of those things are even barely showcased but it has turned into something bigger…”






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