Stoked to be one of the few Stores worldwide wo carry the Former Collection.

Former Merchandise is a clothing brand founded by Craig Anderson, Dane Reynolds, Austyn Gillette & Dylan Rieder, it’s 100% Rider Owned.

After years of being in large companies, Dane, Craig, and Austyn are out to create the brand they want to ride for, and the clothes they want to wear. Hardcore surfing and skateboarding.

Former is unique and at the forefront of modern design with a good approach in Style.

Everything is made fair in Indonesia.

Mailorder possible.








Former Clothing Merchandise

Former Clothing Merchandise

Stoked to be one of the few Stores worldwide wo carry the Former Collection.

Former Merchandise is a clothing brand founded by Craig Anderson, Dane Reynolds, Austyn Gillette & Dylan Rieder, it’s 100% Rider Owned.

After years of being in large companies, Dane, Craig, and Austyn are out to create the brand they want to ride for, and the clothes they want to wear. Hardcore surfing and skateboarding.

Former is unique and at the forefront of modern design with a good approach in Style.

Everything is made fair in Indonesia.

Mailorder possible.








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