30 min Chromatic SurfFilm von ANALOG.


Chroma by definition is the purity of color, or its freedom from monotony. Analog is characterized by our team and influenced by the chroma each
individual emits. Color defines us in existence. Color is alive. This is Chromatic.

Directed by Riley Blakeway | Starring Nathan Fletcher & Chippa Wilson


Analog Chromatic// Full Surf Video

Analog Chromatic// Full Surf Video

30 min Chromatic SurfFilm von ANALOG.


Chroma by definition is the purity of color, or its freedom from monotony. Analog is characterized by our team and influenced by the chroma each
individual emits. Color defines us in existence. Color is alive. This is Chromatic.

Directed by Riley Blakeway | Starring Nathan Fletcher & Chippa Wilson


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