Fantastic: Our Shortmovie Boerf or Die, made by Kiri Deluxe, did not only win the Nord Nordost Surf Film Festival Berlin Shortmovie Award;
this litle nugget will also be screened on all 17 stops of the Surf Film Nacht Tour, from Geneva over Kopenhagen and Hamburg to Berlin:
Surf Film Nacht Berlin: The Seawolf
Boerf or Die // Ete Surf Surf Short Movie
Boerf or Die // Ete Surf Surf Short Movie
Fantastic: Our Shortmovie Boerf or Die, made by Kiri Deluxe, did not only win the Nord Nordost Surf Film Festival Berlin Shortmovie Award;
this litle nugget will also be screened on all 17 stops of the Surf Film Nacht Tour, from Geneva over Kopenhagen and Hamburg to Berlin:
Surf Film Nacht Berlin: The Seawolf